Sorry it’s been so long since I had a moment to write. I am currently learning a bunch about blogging with my handy “Blogging for Dummies” book. Never considered myself an “dummy”, and sort of hate that probably the biggest book series since the encyclopedia refers to people as “dummies”, but I am amazed about how much there is to learn and they sure are helpful.

I am currently in a “redesign” project of my hellomellow website and very excited about it. I will be using this blog for a little while to help me practice blogging and linking my blog with my newsletter (you can click onto that blue word and my newsletter company’s website will appear if you want to check them out..impressed?). I know this may not sound really exciting to you, but hey….maybe you will pick up a thing or two from my practicing?

Now I am going to try this nifty Amazon Associates thingy I signed up for. We should see a picture and a link to “click through” and buy this wonderfully helpful book on blogging (for geniuses in the making!) Let’s see if this works.

<iframe src=”; style=”width:120px;height:240px;” scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

AND my newsletter “subscribers” should be getting an email about a new post.

Til next time!